
How to lift your boob

 The first trick-clip the book to enlarge the breast. The trick is explained in detail: clip the book under both armpits, raise your hands forward until the arm is sore or the book falls, practice several times a day. The thickness of the book varies from person to person, so it is better not to feel uncomfortable. Effectiveness analysis: This method is analyzed by experts. The book is clamped under the armpit, and when the hands are lifted forward, the person is forced to stand up and straighten up the chest. This posture helps to exercise the chest muscles and straighten the chest.

The second trick-hypnosis breast enhancement tricks detailed explanation: tell yourself "my breasts are getting fuller and taller." Effectiveness analysis: Psychologists emphasized that breasts directly retain traces of a womans psychological growth. In many cases, the decision of breast growth lies in the brain's suggestion to it. This kind of suggestion has a closer relationship with the breast than we thought, and it exceeds the physiological influence of the fat and glands inside the breast. The third trick-Breathing and breast enhancement tricks: sitting cross-legged, with the soles of the feet together; knees down as far as possible, the upper body as far as possible, and the arms as straight as possible; inhale with the nose, control the shoulders not to rise, and fully expand the chest. , At the same time, lean your upper body forward and press your abdomen down as much as possible; lean your upper body to the maximum and hold your breath; when you can't hold your breath, lift your upper body while exhaling with your mouth, and don't force your arms. Get up and breathe 5 times and make slight adjustments, and repeat this action 5-10 times. The upper abdomen can be stretched during breathing, but the lower abdomen must be tightened. The breathing rhythm is moderate, not too fast or too slow. Effectiveness analysis: The correct breathing method can not only supply sufficient oxygen, effectively relieve fatigue, but also have unexpected breast enhancement effects. Experiments have confirmed that after 3 months of this breathing exercise, the chest of the practitioners increased on average, and the waist became thinner at the same time.


The fourth trick-green papaya breast enhancement

The tricks are explained in detail: peel the green papaya, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, cut the ribs into pieces, and blanch them with hot water to remove the fishy. Bring water to a boil in a pot, put the ribs, papaya, green onions, ginger, and cooking wine in, simmer for 3 hours on low heat, and sprinkle with salt to taste. Special reminder, fresh papaya has a slightly bitter taste in winter, which is normal and can be eaten with peace of mind. Effectiveness analysis: Green papaya has been the best fruit for breast enhancement since ancient times. Lin Xilei and Xu Huaiyu both consume it to enhance breasts. Because the abundant papaya enzyme and vitamin A can stimulate the secretion of female hormones and help breast enlargement, papaya enzyme can also decompose protein, promote the body's absorption of protein, and eat it with meat for the best effect.

The fifth trick-avocado breast enhancement

The trick is explained in detail: half an avocado, dig out the flesh, add 250ml of fresh milk, an appropriate amount of walnuts, whipped into juice and drink, and can be seasoned with honey. Effectiveness analysis: Taiwan's first beauty Xiao Qiang often drinks this avocado juice, and its breast enhancement effect is obvious to all. The rich content of unsaturated fatty acids in avocado can increase the elasticity of breast tissue; the vitamin A contained in it can promote the secretion of female hormones, vitamin C can prevent breast deformation, and vitamin E can help breast development. The protein and lipids contained in fresh milk and walnuts can increase the swelling of the corpus cavernosum of the breast and also have the effect of breast enhancement.

The 6th trick-Enriching breasts with fermented rice.

The tricks are explained in detail: add proper amount of water to fermented fermented rice and microwave it for about 2 minutes, or make fermented eggs and rice dumplings. Take it once in the morning and evening before menstrual cramps for better results. Effectiveness analysis: Tianxin can have a devil figure, and wine making is indispensable. Many nutritionists also agree with the breast enhancement effect of fermented rice. Because fermented rice contains natural hormones that can promote the plumpness of women's breast cells, its alcohol content also helps to improve chest blood circulation.

The seventh trick-medicated breast enhancement.

The tricks are explained in detail: 100 grams of peanuts, 100 grams of pitted red dates, and 20 grams of astragalus. Effectiveness analysis: This traditional medicated diet for the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty is said to be a secret recipe for breast enhancement specially developed by the imperial physician for Cixi. Modern nutrition analysis believes that peanuts are rich in protein and oil; red dates can produce fluid and regulate endocrine; astragalus promotes qi and blood circulation. The combination of the three can upgrade the breast size to a state that you are satisfied with, and at the same time warm the uterus to increase the pregnancy rate.


The 8th trick-strengthen the natural Bra. Detailed tricks: After bathing, apply moisturizing lotion to the whole body. Open the mouth with a smile and repeat 20 times to strengthen the neck muscles; lift the breasts from the bottom to the top, from the outside to the inside, and then extend the massage to the upper part of the chest to the neck, and the technique is also upward Lift and massage for about 5 minutes. Effectiveness analysis: Promote blood circulation, tighten neck and chest muscles, strengthen the body's natural Bra, and make breasts stand out and firm.

The ninth trick-choose 3 kinds of essential oils in detail: choose base oil + ylang-ylang + geranium + rose, massage from the lower edge of the breast, upwards along the outer edge to the position of the clavicle under the neck; massage in a circle from the center of the breast, massage upwards To the clavicle position; around the breast, make a spiral massage by drawing small circles. Repeat each action 8 to 10 times. Effectiveness analysis: Essential oil massage stimulates breast cells to absorb essential oil components, which not only helps breast enlargement, but also improves breast sagging and expansion, thereby enhancing breast lines.

The tenth trick-acupuncture point massage Detailed tricks: massage the Tanzhong point in the middle of the breasts, the Tianzong point in the central depression of the scapula, the Shaoze point under the little finger nail, or go to a professional Chinese medicine hospital for acupuncture and breast enhancement. Effectiveness analysis: Tian Lina's acupuncture to the proud Shuangfeng all thanks to Chinese physicians for many years of acupuncture. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, massage or acupuncture points can stimulate the glands and endocrine, order the pituitary gland to release hormones, which act on the ovaries, feedback activation of breast cells, and promote breast development. At the same time, it drains the blood to the breast, and delivers nutrients to the breast to achieve the effect of breast enhancement. The eleventh trick-bathing and hydrotherapy massage. The trick is explained in detail: When bathing, use the shower to alternately rinse with warm or cold water from bottom to top to stimulate the chest. After washing, while your body is slightly warm, apply moisturizing lotion and massage your breasts. Effectiveness analysis: One of Zeng Baoyi's breast enhancement methods is to massage the breasts with water during the bath. Short-term low temperature stimulation can improve breast tissue nutrition, increase tension, and promote its growth. The impact massage effect of water on the chest can also make the color of the areola and the shape of the breast more beautiful.


Twelfth trick-push-up breast enhancement tricks: Kneel on the ground with your knees together, raise your feet, bend forward, touch the ground with your hands on the ground and shoulder width, keep your back straight and tighten your hips; slowly bend your arms until your chest touches On the ground, slowly push the body upward and return to the original position. In order to maintain the continuous tension of the chest muscles, the elbow joint was not completely straightened when moving to the highest point and repeated 10 times. When doing this exercise, the chest must be straightened, not to sag, and the abdominal muscles must be tightened. When the body is down, the waist must not be collapsed. Effectiveness analysis: Although this action is quite tiring, it has been recognized as the most effective breast enhancement exercise. As long as you develop the habit of doing it every day, you can not only enlarge your breasts, but also shrink your abdomen. In fact, doing push-ups by itself does not increase breasts, because there are no muscles in the breasts. But through exercise, the breast muscles under the breast can grow, and the increase of the breast muscles will make the breasts stand out, and the breasts will appear plump, and indeed the elasticity will increase.

Thirteenth trick-swimming breast enhancement tricks detailed explanation: practice butterfly and freestyle. Effectiveness analysis: Swimming is also a good breast enhancement exercise. Water pressure can massage the chest, and it can also fully expand the chest with the help of strokes in the water.

The 14th trick-a detailed explanation of the UPUP breast enhancement technique: put your hands together in front of your chest, raise your elbows as much as possible, and push left and right; tuck your abdomen and chest, use the strength of your shoulders to straighten your arms as much as possible, don't stand on tiptoes, don't do it below your waist Push hard; put your hands together behind your back and stretch them back as far as possible. Effectiveness analysis The first action can exercise the chest ligaments to make the chest more upright; the second action can exercise the pectoral muscles and raise the chest; the last action can adjust the width of the spine and shoulders to prevent sagging of the chest.


The 15th trick-regulating menstruation. Detailed explanation of tricks: Those who have irregular menstruation or dysmenorrhea should take Chinese medicine to regulate menstruation. Effectiveness analysis: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that irregular menstruation is related to stagnation of liver, spleen deficiency, qi stagnation and blood stasis. Endocrine disorders caused by stagnation of the liver, malnutrition caused by spleen deficiency, etc. all lead to irregular menstruation. Since the nipple, breast and areola belong to the liver, spleen and stomach meridians, the liver and spleen can be used to regulate menstruation and at the same time have the effect of breast enhancement.

The 16th trick-a detailed explanation of the tricks to grasp the breast enhancement period: on the 11th, 12th, and 13th days of the menstruation, or on the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th days, do more breast massages, Eat more foods that have the effect of breast enhancement. Effectiveness analysis: These 3 days are the best period for breast enhancement, and these 7 days are the second best period. Because during these 10 days, the ovarian estrus hormone that affects breast fullness is secreted in equal amounts for 24 hours, so it is the best breast enhancement period to stimulate breast fat thickening. 

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